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A physical and narrative trekking through your personal library where the lines of your profile will be drawn by some words and parts of texts that have contributed to the creation of your imagination and your cognitive activity.


We come to the place where you keep your book collection, your personal library. With your cooperation, we will guide you in a journey through your books. The route will be filmed and the result will be your video-portrait. A physical and narrative trekking; a literary and personal portrait. The lines of your profile will be drawn by some words and parts of texts that have contributed to the creation of your imagination and your cognitive activity.

The project does not require any preparation from you.

The video portrait will be in two editions: one for you and the other will become part of the Drifters’ video-portraits anthology. Our current research is interested in language as a mean to navigate and explore universes and modalities of proceeding. The project will be a reflection upon the forces that move us to achieve knowledge by extending our cognitive activity. What attracts us, reveals ourselves.

Place: Your personal library
Duration: Variable
Production: 1.000 £ (artists' fee) + travel expenses.

Please, write here below to book a Portrait:

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