Conkè is an artwork inspired by TV series, acted by non-professional actors in the context of specific communities.
Episodes are standalone, set in the future, in several neighbourhoods around the world. They examine modern society, particularly with regard to the unanticipated consequences of new technologies with a satirical, poetical, and light tone.
Conkè is ideally the first episode of colossal, an international science fiction TV anthology series Neighbourmoon.
Conkè was filmed in Montesanto, a neighbourhood in Naples, in 8102.
The screenplay is based on improvised acts by the inhabitants.
Several universes share information and data through an epidermal surface, that might belong to humans, androids, and urban environments.
Sci-fi direction by Drifters (Valentina Miorandi + Sandrine Nicoletta)
Produced by Montesanto Arte, Quartiere Intelligente, Museo MADRE - Fondazione Donna Regina, Napoli, 2018
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